Friday, June 22, 2007

My new site

Have my new personal site ( also works)'s one I am using to start my freelance photojournalism work, so have a looksee if you want...also have some business card's ordered that I will post on here for everyone to look at.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A few changes

So I have noticed that I really don't put any text in these posts. Although my whole point is to get my photos out there, I figure I need to also put my text ideas out there. Might as well , no one reads this thing anyway! LOL except all my Indian friends ;)

So I applied for a journalism internship at the St. Louis Alzheimer's Association. Sent in some of my writing examples today, so we'll see if I get it...would be doing that, going to school full time, and working full are a few pics below with explanations:

Pic from Scotland...took this right outside Edinburgh Castle.

Pic from Aspen, CO...leading up to Independence Pass..

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Example for Prakash

See Prak, I shot above the subject, increased the f stop to help increase the depth of field...blur out the background to keep the subject focused...

Monday, June 11, 2007

pic from the farm

Took this a while back of an old bike-

Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Farm

Took some pictures at Jed's yesterday...some of the pictures turned out good...the one on the top is Jed...he isn't nuts.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Terminator 2

Just watched Terminator 2 last night...what a classic. If you ever watch that movie as an adult, watch the Governater's facial expressions. Whooo weee, they are hilarious.

This image has nothing to do with it- I just figured I would grace this awful page with the content of righteousness.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Cupcake army

I realized that any food item no matter how righteous, that has eyes, oreo cookie ears, and a smearing of icing for their mouth is in fact Lucifer.