Wednesday, July 18, 2007

been a while

I haven't posted anything in a while. Not only have I not really had time to take any pics, but I haven't had any time to do any posting on here. I've been finishing my websites, joining the military, and doing schoolwork. I am leaving next Tuesday morning though to go out west. Me and my best friend are driving across the southernmost route across the US, and on the way back, we are taking the northern most route...Should get a TON of pics from that next update prolly wont be till early Aug.

Friday, July 6, 2007

The next destination

So, as many of you know, I travel a ton. That is one my main hobbies. Well, I have been giving some careful consideration as to my next trip. I have a trip in Dec. planned to Africa and Italy, but I am trying to decide what to do next year...So I am going to leave up to people to vote. I know there aren't many people that visit my site here, but i figured over the next few months I will tally the votes and decide which place to go based on the response.

A.)Hike across Alaska
B.)Travel to Afghanistan and hike from Kabal to the Pakastani border

Thursday, July 5, 2007

another storm pic...

just back

Just got back from some pretty decent pictures. The ones below, are from 4th of July though:

Took this of my best friend as we put up the flag...modified the flag portion to just be color...thought it added a pretty cool effect.

took this of a wicked good storm that came in on the East side of the farm...